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Pablo Picasso's Nude Green Leaves and Bust Painting

        Like this large Nude, Green departs and Bust, the paintings in this dazzling sequence portray Picasso's attractive fair-haired mistress, Marie-Thérèse Walter, an blameless open-air young female with whom he had fallen obsessively in love, after picking her up outside the Galeries Lafayette, five years before. This easy, sweet-natured young female would remain passionately in love with him long after his affairs with other mistresses. His death would depart her so bereft that she would consign suicide.

Since Picasso was wed to an exceedingly jealous and progressively neurasthenic Russian ballerina he had been at pains to keep Marie-Thérèse concealed in art as well as in life, the earliest references to her are in code: transformed into a bowl of crop, or a vase of blossoms and, on event his own penis. although, in the present decorating he turned for inspiration to academic mythology.

Picasso had already used the philodendron leaves in the greatest of his welded sculptures Woman in the flower bed of 1929 which represents Marie-Thérèse as the nymph Daphne being metamorphosed into a wilderness. The philodendron departs sprouting from Marie-Thérèse's edge in Nude, Green Leaves and Bust can furthermore be identified as Daphne. Apropos his penchant for the philodendron plant whose baroque tendrils animate other compositions in this series, especially the second type of this decorating, decorating two days later, where the arm of the dozing nymph is turned into a lily.

As Picasso notified Penrose, he adored this vegetation for its "overwhelming vitality": "He one time left one that had been granted him in Paris in the bathing room, where it would be certain to have abounding of water while he was away in the south. On his return he discovered that it had absolutely topped up the little room with luxuriant growth and furthermore absolutely backed the drain with its origins" (J. Richardson, Life of Picasso).

Nude, Green departs and Bust is one of a series of portraits that Picasso decorated of his mistress and muse Marie-Thérèse Walter from 1932. The vibrant azure and lilac canvas is more than 5 feet (1.5 m) big. At the time, Picasso was in an exclusive contractual connection with noted impressionist and post-impressionist French-Jewish art trader Paul Rosenberg, who acquired the decorating direct from his friend. With the expanding pitch of an approaching conflict, in the late 1930's Rosenberg begun to circulate works from his 2,000+ piece assemblage around the world, and utilised the 1939 New York World's Fair as the excuse to ship the pianting outside France. After the 1940 Nazi invasion of France, on reaching New York by Lisbon in September 1940, Rosenberg opened a new agency of his documented gallery on East 57th street, and put the painting back on display.

Frances Brody died in November 2009. On May 4, 2010, the decorating was traded at Christies in New York town, who won the privileges to auction the assemblage against London-based Sotheby's. From there it was bought by the Brodys in 1951, and was publicly displayed only once in 1961 to commemorate Picasso's 80th birthday.The assemblage as a entire was treasured at over US$150 million, while the work was initially expected to profit from $80 million at auction.

There were eight bidders at the auction house, while the victorious attempt was taken via telephone for $95 million. encompassing the buyer's premium, the price come to US$106.5 million. When inflation is disregarded, the painting broke the record price for an art work traded at auction until it was surpassed by the selling of The shout on May 2, 2012 for US $120 million.


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